Monday, December 26, 2011

Forget Me Not

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this talk. Pres. Uchtdorf did it again. Another fabulous talk that touches the heart.

A while ago I was walking through a beautiful garden with my wife and daughter. I marveled at the glory and beauty of God’s creation. And then I noticed, among all the glorious blooms, the tiniest flower. I knew the name of this flower because since I was a child I have had a tender connection to it. The flower is called forget-me-not.

I’m not exactly sure why this tiny flower has meant so much to me over the years. It does not attract immediate attention; it is easy to overlook among larger and more vibrant flowers; yet it is just as beautiful, with its rich color that mirrors that of the bluest skies—perhaps this is one reason why I like it so much.

And there is the haunting plea of its name. There is a German legend that just as God had finished naming all the plants, one was left unnamed. A tiny voice spoke out, “Forget me not, O Lord!” And God replied that this would be its name.

Tonight I would like to use this little flower as a metaphor. The five petals of the little forget-me-not flower prompt me to consider five things we would be wise never to forget.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Time Shall Come and We Are All Enlisted

This was a good talk. I enjoyed hearing about the prophets of the Old Testament. Daniel in particular. Elder Clayton quoted Wilford Woodruff when he shared a personal experience of hearing the Prophet Joseph Smith prophesy of the future of the church to the small band of Priesthood Brethren. Elder Clayton said,
These prophecies that:
1) the kingdom of God like a stone cut out of a mountain would fill the earth;
2) the name of Joseph Smith would be known throughout the world; and
3) the Church would fill the Americas and fill the world

might have seemed laughable 170 years ago. The little band of believers, eking out a living on the American frontier and moving to escape persecution, didn’t look like the foundation of a faith that would cross international borders and penetrate hearts everywhere

I've not been shy of my love for Elder Holland. I love his boldness and great strength in testimony. This talk was no exception.

Do I need to hum a few bars of “We Are All Enlisted”? You know, the line about “We are waiting now for soldiers; who’ll volunteer?”2 Of course, the great thing about this call to arms is that we ask not for volunteers to fire a rifle or throw a hand grenade. No, we want battalions who will take as their weapons “every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.”3 So I am looking tonight for missionaries who will not voluntarily bind their tongues but will, with the Spirit of the Lord and the power of their priesthood, open their mouths and speak miracles. Such speech, the early brethren taught, would be the means by which faith’s “mightiest works have been, and will be, performed.”

Monday, December 12, 2011

Power of Scripture

Chris really liked this talk. He's really gotten in to Seminary this year and it's great! His Seminary teacher, Sis Allen, gave each of her students their own copy of the Oct 2011 Conference Report Ensign. He gave a good FHE lesson on this talk. He seemed to connect to some of the principles Elder Scott taught. He's trying hard to memorize his Scripture Mastery verses. Now Joshua is starting to memorize scriptures. He almost has all of D&C Section 4 memorized! The Bishopric member over Primary came into their Sharing Time a couple weeks ago and asked if any of the kids had memorized any scriptures. Josh raised his hand and recited, "And my father dwelt in a tent" and then shared, "And Jesus wept." The Bishopric member was eager to share his amusement.

The scriptures provide the strength of authority to our declarations when they are cited correctly. They can become stalwart friends that are not limited by geography or calendar. They are always available when needed. Their use provides a foundation of truth that can be awakened by the Holy Ghost. Learning, pondering, searching, and memorizing scriptures is like filling a filing cabinet with friends, values, and truths that can be called upon anytime, anywhere in the world.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Every year brings a great Christmas Message from our First Presidency. I loved all of the talks and will use parts from each messagae in our Young Women Presidency christmas message in a week or so.
I loved Pres Uchtdorf's message of what gifts we can bring to the Savior.
I loved Pres Eyring's sharing of the bible videos.
And I loved the message from Pres Monson about the true meaning of Christmas. Last year he mentioned the novel The Mansion by Henry Van Dyke and I forgot that I wanted to look into that book this year. I found it on Kindle and downloaded it for Free!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Words of a Living Prophet

President Monson always comes to Conference with such enthusiasm and energy. His energy and joyfulness is infectious. My kids loved hearing from him this time. He came in late to conference, because of traffic (a friend was there in the conference center and said, his seat was empty at the start and when he finally did come in they immediately announced his talk- that's why he was so funny at the start of his talk- "Hello!"). Did you notice he wasn't the first speaker and they didn't show his seat?

He then ends Conference with a talk on thanks- expressing thanks for the music of conference, to the participants of conference, to his counselors, to the Quorum of Twelve, to the Savior, to the general officers and general authorities, and to us for our service to others and our service in the gospel.
He asked us to continue to serve with kindness.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Holy Temple and Eternal Marriage

I am so grateful for temples in our country. To think of the cost of money and time it takes some members in the world to get to the temple, I remind myself each week as I prepare to attend the temple (especially when I want to sleep in instead), I think of this talk my Pres Monson and about the Saints from the Amazon and New Zealand. We read this as a family and really spent some time going over the story of the Mou Tham family in detail and they were in awe as we were to see the dedication this family had to getting their family to the temple to be sealed.

My brothers and sisters, temples are more than stone and mortar. They are filled with faith and fasting. They are built of trials and testimonies. They are sanctified by sacrifice and service.

Elder Richard G Scott has a special place in my heart. I listened to a conversation he gave and he spoke of how he still feels his dear wife near him even though sh passed away several years ago. He has never re-married and has no desire to. He loves his wife and it is clear he looks forward to the day when he will join her in the next life. I think Gabriel and I relate a little to Elder Scott and his wife in the loss of their children. This loss is sad, but I've seem muy children's testimony of the Plan of Salvation grow as we talk openly and often of our Jared, who is with Grandpa Gore, Papi and Grandma Sanchez, with Uncle Louie, Grammy Francis, and the many other family members who are learning of the gospel and who are waiting on us to do their temple work.

Our seven children are bound to us by the sacred ordinances of the temple. My precious wife, Jeanene, and two of our children are beyond the veil. They provide a powerful motivation for each remaining member of our family to live so that together we will receive all of the eternal blessings promised in the temple...
I remember well the day [our little son Richard] passed away. As Jeanene and I drove from the hospital, we pulled over to the side of the road. I held her in my arms. Each of us cried some, but we realized that we would have him beyond the veil because of the covenants we had made in the temple. That made his loss somewhat easier to accept.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Work of Welfare and the Lord's Richest Blessings

I listened recently to a conversation of Bishop Burton and came to know him a little better. He is a great man. And I appreciated this talk on Welfare. I probably could do more to further this area of the gospel. I get so caught up in the day to day struggles of our children that I don't take time to look outside the home. Being in YW is helping. But I should do a better job.

The purpose, promises, and principles that reinforce our work of caring for the poor and needy extend far beyond the bounds of mortality. This sacred work is not only to benefit and bless those who suffer or are in need. As sons and daughters of God, we cannot inherit the full measure of eternal life without being fully invested in caring for each other while we are here on earth. It is in the benevolent practice of sacrifice and giving of ourselves to others that we learn the celestial principles of sacrifice and consecration.

Part of assisting in the Welfare of the Church is paying our tithing. I think this must have been taught fairly regularly and with great example in my early life because this law has never been a struggle for me. I've always know that the Lord would take care of those who paid their tithing. He has definitely taken care of our family as we've paid our tithing and continue to follow the counsel to stay out of debt. Elder Pratt shared a story from his family that I loved!

We learn ...that tithing is not a matter of money, really; it is a matter of faith—faith in the Lord. He promises blessings if we obey His commandments... Let us show our faith in the Lord by paying our tithing. Pay it first; pay it honestly. Teach our children to pay tithing even on their allowance or other income, and then take them with us to tithing settlement so they know of our example and our love for the Lord.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Waiting on the Road to Damascus and Called to Be Saints

This conference I have come to look forward to Pres Uchtdorf's talks. They have always inspired and uplifted me. This one was no exception.

There are some who feel that unless they have an experience similar to Saul’s or Joseph Smith’s, they cannot believe. They stand at the waters of baptism but do not enter. They wait at the threshold of testimony but cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the truth. Instead of taking small steps of faith on the path of discipleship, they want some dramatic event to compel them to believe.

They spend their days waiting on the road to Damascus.

Do I do this? Do I wait for a blessing before I show the faith to carry on?

Elder De Hoyos gave a really great talk. I don't remember much about my father's parents, but I remember distinctly their accents and every time I hear a leader speak from South America I think of them. :)

To the degree that members of the Church live the gospel and follow the counsel of the prophets, they will, little by little and even without noticing it, become sanctified. Humble members of the Church who conduct daily family prayer and scripture study, engage in family history, and consecrate their time to worship in the temple frequently, become Saints. They are those who are dedicated to creating eternal families. They are also those who set apart time from their busy lives to rescue those who have become alienated from the Church and encourage them to return and sit at the Lord’s table. They are those elders and sisters and mature couples who respond to a call to serve as the Lord’s missionaries. Yes, my brothers and sisters, they become Saints to the degree that they discover that warm and wonderful feeling that is called charity, or the pure love of Christ

Monday, November 7, 2011

Three Talks on the Priesthood

I figured it would be good to group three of these together so we can finish before too long. These three talks were all about the Priesthood. I love the Priesthood and I am so thankful Gabriel has kept himself worthy to hold and use the priesthood power in our home.

Chris is the Teacher's Quorum President and learning a lot about roles and responsibility of the Aaronic Priesthood. This talk from Bro. Gibson was great. Chris had similar questions for Gabriel upon receiving his calling.
I asked this [new Deacon President] if he was ready to preside over this great quorum. His response was: “I’m nervous. I don’t know what a deacons quorum president does. Can you tell me?”
I... posed this question: “Do you suppose the Lord would call you to this important calling without giving you direction?”
He thought, then responded, “Where do I find it?”
After some discussion, he realized that he would find direction from the scriptures, the words of the living prophets, and answers to prayer. We determined to find a scripture that would be a starting place for his search to learn the responsibilities of his new calling.

President Eyring gave another great talk to the Priesthood holders about learning their duties.

I found three wonderful things in place to speed my growth in the priesthood. The first was a president who knew how to sit in council with the members of his quorum. The second was great faith in Jesus Christ that led to the great love we have heard of—love for each other. And the third was a shared conviction that our overarching priesthood purpose was to labor for the salvation of men.
My purpose in speaking of these three aids to growing in the priesthood is to urge you to value them and to use them. If you do, your service will be transformed for the better. And if it is magnified, your priesthood service will bless Heavenly Father’s children more than you can now imagine is possible.

The third talk from the Priesthood Session is from Pres. Uchtdorf. I wondered how I could liken this to my own life, and a woman, wife, mother.

Are we as priesthood holders living below our privileges when it comes to the sacred power, gifts, and blessings that are our opportunity and right as bearers of God’s priesthood?

How do I help my priesthood holders achieve these objectives? How do I uplift them and encourage them?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Preparing the World for the Second Coming and Priesthood Power

Elder Andersen shares the story of the greatest rugby player of all time, Sid Going. My boys especially got in to this talk because they've watch several rugby matches and love the New Zealand team for their "Haka" ceremonies before the match begins. (Chris and Josh even made up one of their own one afternoon.) He told of Sid Going and his sacrifice to go on a mission instead of playing rugby for a great team.
A mission instead of a place on the New Zealand All Blacks team? Sid responded, “The blessing of [bringing others] into the gospel far outweighs anything [you] will ever sacrifice.”

A lot of people questioned the quick engagement Gabriel and I had 17 years ago. We hardly knew each other. But what we were absolutely certain of as we spoke and as we shared activities in our Single Adult group, was that we were supposed to be married. There was witness born to both of us. His parents were confused, mine were wary, but it has been the best decision I have ever made. Gabriel is my best friend, the one true love. Pres Monson said this:

Choose a companion carefully and prayerfully; and when you are married, be fiercely loyal one to another. Priceless advice comes from a small framed plaque I once saw in the home of an uncle and aunt. It read, “Choose your love; love your choice.” There is great wisdom in those few words. Commitment in marriage is absolutely essential.

I think I made a great choice!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Desires and Guardians of Virtue

Elder Oaks always gives great talks. This one is no different. I especially loved the story he told of the Utah National Guard group in the Vietnam Ward. He spoke of their commander, Capt Cox.
During one critical night, when enemy infantry had poured through the front lines and into the rear areas occupied by the artillery, the captain had the field telephone lines wired into his tent and ordered his numerous perimeter guards to phone him personally each hour on the hour all night long. This kept the guards awake, but it also meant that Captain Cox had scores of interruptions to his sleep. “How could you do that?” I asked him. His answer shows the power of an overriding desire.

“I knew that if we ever got home, I would be meeting the parents of those boys on the streets in our small town, and I didn’t want to face any of them if their son didn’t make it home because of anything I failed to do as his commander.”

What an example of the power of an overriding desire on priorities and on actions! What a powerful example for all of us who are responsible for the welfare of others—parents, Church leaders, and teachers!

This was a great talk from Sis Dalton. Before I was called to be in the YW Presidency in our ward, I was asked to give a talk based on this address- that should have been a clue, huh? I researched her previous talks and found that this wasn't the first one written on Virtue. She's had several talks from General Conference on this topic. She shared the story of the Young Women in Utah who took a challenge to walk from Draper to the Salt Lake Temple.

The temple walk is a metaphor for your life. Parents and priesthood leaders stood guard along the route. They provided support and aid. Young women guarded and encouraged each other. Young men admired the strength, commitment, and stamina of the young women. Brothers carried sisters who had been injured. Families rejoiced with their daughters as they ended their walk at the temple and took them safely home.

In order to stay on the path to the temple, you must guard your personal virtue and the virtue of others with whom you associate. Why? Mormon taught in the Book of Mormon that virtue and chastity are “most dear and precious above all things.”

Monday, October 10, 2011

Testimony and A Living Testimony

This week's talks area great! We loved using these in FHE about testimonies and how we gain and strengthen them.

While a testimony is simple and clear in this defining declaration, arising from this declaration are several potential questions, such as: Who is entitled to have a testimony? How does one obtain the necessary revelation? What are the steps in obtaining a testimony? Is gaining a testimony an event or an ongoing process? Each of these queries and others have their own subsets, but the fundamentals of gaining and retaining a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ are straightforward, clear, and within the capacity of every person.

I didn't get the chance to watch the YW General Conference addresses when they were broadcast, but I have read them carefully now that I'm in the YW organization in our ward. I was very much struck by these words,:

It is at the heart of my message tonight. He [Brigham Young] said in a room in his home less than a mile from where this message now goes out to daughters of God in nations across the world: “There is need for the young daughters of Israel to get a living testimony of the truth.”

He then created an association of young women that has become what we now call in the Lord’s Church “Young Women.” You have felt tonight some of the wonderful effect of his choice made in that Sunday evening meeting in the parlor of his home.

More than 100 years later, daughters of Israel across the world have that desire for a living testimony of the truth for themselves. Now, for the rest of your lives, you will need that living and growing testimony to fortify you and lead your path to eternal life. And with it you will become the transmitters of the Light of Christ to your brothers and sisters across the world and across generations."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Establishing a Christ Centered Home and Kindness Begins with Me

This week we're reading Establishing a Christ-Centered Home and Kindness Begins with Me.

We've been very mindful of the constant array of "fiery darts" the Adversary tried to throw at our family, at our home. And because of that acknowledgment, we've been pretty hard on the kind of things we bring into our home. And that's been hard for outside people to really understand. We don't have TV- no cable, no nothing. We don't let the kids bring outisde music into the home, we don't listen to the latest and greatest of the world's music, and we make sure out kids are monitored in their internet use.
"Understanding the eternal nature of the family is a critical element in understanding Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. The adversary, on the other hand, wants to do everything in his power to destroy Heavenly Father’s plan. In his attempt to defeat God’s plan, he is leading an unprecedented attack on the institution of the family. Some of the more powerful weapons he uses in his attack are selfishness, greed, and pornography."
 Some might thing we're fanatical, that's ok.  It shows how much we love our children, how much we are for their welfare. Do I love them enough to make sure TV shows aren't an influence, that music isn't a hinderance to the spirit in our home?

I loved his talk by Sis. Cook. She quotes from a song that I used to sing to each of our kids when they were babies. It's not sung as often as I think it should be in Primary. But we used this talk in FHE and I hope the kids were able to glean something from it. (I can't tell sometimes if they are actually "getting it".)

Sometimes being benevolent is most difficult in our own families. Strong families require effort. “Be cheerful, helpful, and considerate of others. Many problems in the home are created because family members speak and act selfishly or unkindly. Concern yourself with the needs of other family members. Seek to be a peacemaker rather than to tease, fight, and quarrel.”9 “Remember this: kindness begins with me.”

Monday, September 26, 2011

Face the Future with Faith and More Than Conquerors

Elder Nelson is such a fun speaker to listen to, so happy! And always has a story that the kids can relate to and love to listen to.

Elder Nelson speaks on faith, and it was a great talk to go over in FHE. He espcecially taught the parents what they should teach their own children. All week we looked up scriptures on faith and shared them each night. The kids did a great job with this one and I am fairly confident they have been taught well on this subject. I hope they can rely on this foundation and create stronger testimonies.

"We live in a time of turmoil... We have great cause for concern. But we do not need to let our fears displace our faith. We can combat those fears by strengthening our faith. Start with your children. You parents bear the primary responsibility to strengthen their faith. Let them feel your faith, even when sore trials come upon you. Let your faith be focused on our loving Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Teach that faith with deep conviction. Teach each precious boy or girl that he or she is a child of God, created in His image, with a sacred purpose and potential. Each is born with challenges to overcome and faith to be developed."

Elder Johnson's talk is a good one. I take great comfort in talks given on trials and overcoming adversity. He quotes Elder Orson F Whitney,

"No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted...All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable...It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Guided by the Holy Spirit and An Ensign to the Nations

I love Pres Packer. He is so unapologetic and says it like it is no matter what the backlash.

Grandma sent us a book on William Tyndale and it is amazing the feat of translating the Bible into the English language. There are no simple translations so he had to come up with many of the phrases and words we find and love in the Bible.

William Tyndale was hounded from place to place because the English clergy didn't want him to make the Bible available to the masses.
"If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plough shall know more of the Scripture than thou".

Pres Packer goes on to talk about our scriptures and what we learn, especially about revelation- personal revelation, and latter-day revelation- and about the Holy Ghost. This was a good lesson for our kids.

Chris had a question about the Apostles that didn't recognize the Savior when he appeared to them (after his resurrection). Because the Apostles didn't have the Holy Ghost they didn't recognize Christ when we came to them.

We love Elder Holland. While living in Turkey, we were privileged to be part of a district conference in which Elder and Sister Holland conducted in Istanbul, Turkey. At the conference were upwards of 20-30 Ethiopian investigators. Elder and Sister Holland had just finished touring the continent of Africa and was able to report to these people of the growth of the church in Africa and in their country. He spoke of Pres Hinckley's words to "bring all your truth and we will add to it". He turned this conference into a missionary fireside. He spoke of Mohammed- how he was a prophet to guide his people away from idolatry. He said bring those "truths" (that have not been polluted over time and by evil men).

Afterward was a time for the branches leadership to meet with him. I will never forget when we filed out of the room, how he put his arms around my shoulder and looked right at me and said, "You are doing a great job. We love you!" and he took my children in his arms and kissed them on their heads. What a memory we wil always hold of this special-to-our-family Apostle of the Lord.

"... if you are trying to do the best you can—if, for example, you keep trying to hold family home evening in spite of the bedlam that sometimes reigns in a houseful of little bedlamites—then give yourself high marks and, when we come to that subject, listen for another which addresses a topic where you may be lacking. If we teach by the Spirit and you listen by the Spirit, some one of us will touch on your circumstance, sending a personal prophetic epistle just to you."

Monday, September 12, 2011

Opportunities to Do Good and Finding Joy through Loving Service

With the call to YW came another call to be on The Compassionate Service Committee- sisters called to help out when the VTers are unavailable or unable to step in. It was a week after my call and I remember thinking, "I am so overwhelmed as it is, when am I going to find time to serve more?". It was then that we were reading this first article in FHE (perfect timing!) and I learned so much from searching scriptures all about service and loving our neighbor, especially those in our own wards.

I have always liked Pres Eyring's talks. They are simple yet cause us to think and ponder. This one was no different.
"Pres Marion G Romney said of welfare work, "You cannot give yourself poor in this work." And then he quoted his mission president, Melvin J Ballard, this way:"A person cannot give a crust to the Lord without receiving a loaf in return."

Pres Eyring continues, "I have found that to be tru in my life. When I am generous to Heavenly Father's children in need, He is generous to me."

We just recently read this article last week in FHE and for our scripture study. I taught the lesson and had everyone write down some of the complications in their lives outide the home in one column and complications they feel inside the home in another. I knew ahead of time what the common complications would be in the home and geared my lesson around that. We talked about the common complication of not being able to get along with siblings and talked about ways from the talk that would help us at home.

"There are myriad ways and circumstances in which we can serve and love others. May I suggest just a few.
First, charity begins at home. The most important principle that should govern every home us to practice the Golden Rule. Take a moment and imagine how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of thoughtless words or actions. By our example, let us teach our family members to have love one for another."

Monday, September 5, 2011

LDS Women are Incredible and Believe in Being Honest and True

I absolutely love love love this talk. It is always a nice thing to hear the Brethren speak on women and hear them express their gratitude for all we do. Sometimes it seems our lives are a bit unknown and unappreciated. I have always made sure when Gabriel thanks his guys for their service that he thanks their wives as well- the true heroes.

"Our women are not incredible because they have managed to avoid the difficulties of life- quite the opposite.  They are incredible because of the way they face the trials of life.  Despite the challenges and test life has to offer... they remain remarkably strong and immoveable and true to the faith."
We didn't go over this one in FHE but we did read it on our own. Gabriel gave Chris an assignment to read it every night for a week. :)
I especially, like many other people, loved the story- parable?- of the purse!  I found a cute handout/craft that shows you how to make a cute little purse from a small paper bag, with some of the things in the story that you can put into this "purse".  If you want the pdf of this, email me and I'll send it to you.  I can't remember the website.

Does she look like her father? Sis Dibbs is the daughter of Pres Monson. If you look in the peinted Ensign, their talks (page 114 and page 115) face each other.

Anyway.. I appreciated this talk especially on the heels of being called into YW. There is a lesson coming up on Avoiding Dishonesty, and I will definitely refer to this talk. This is a topic Gabriel and I have tried so hard to teach our children- strict obedience.  She quotes Pres Hunter,

"When we are honest in all things, big and small, we experience peace of mind and a clear conscience.  Our relationships are enriched... and the greatest blessing that comes from being honest is that we are able to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost."

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Atonement

These talks were great for our family. They were simple and easy for the kids to read and understand.
Elder Richards spoke of two kinds of pains- those we inflict on ourselves because of sin, and pain and suffering not necessarily our fault- unexpected events, contradicting or disappointing circumstances, interrupting illness, and even death. My kids actually got this concept! It was amazing to see them making sense of it. We've always talked of true repentance/sorrow and the difference sorrow of the damned is, and we were never really convinced they fully comprehended, until now.

Elder Grow's talk was equally good. His nephew served with Gabriel as one of his counselors in the Bishopric in Baltimore. They look a lot alike!

"Not only did He pay the price for the sins of all men, but He also took "upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people." And He took "upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, … that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Followers of Christ and The Essence of Discipleship

These talks were inspirational, and ones that we were especially able to share with our kids.  My husband always likes to tell the kids, "Intelligence is the application of knowledge".  We can teach and teach to our kids until we're blue in the face but they have a responsibility to take that knowledge and apply it, and until they do they aren't true followers of Christ.  These talks were all about applying the teachings of Christ and being "doers" of the work.

I loved what Elder Gonzales says,
"The Savior has promised, “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Followers of Christ pattern their lives after the Savior to walk in the light. Two characteristics can help us recognize to what extent we follow Him. First, followers of Christ are loving people. Second, followers of Christ make and keep covenants."

I love Sis Allred!  I loved the stories she shared of Saints around the world helping themselves and those around them.
".. a humble sister or brother with a Church calling can go into a home where there is poverty, sorrow, sickness, or distress and can bring peace, relief, and happiness is astonishing. No matter where the ward or branch is or how big or small the group is, every member throughout the world has that opportunity. It happens every day, and it is happening somewhere at this very moment."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Become As a Little Child and What Manner of Men Ought You To Be

This was a sweet talk. I especially liked:
"It is here in our families, in an atmosphere of love, where we see and appreciate in a more personal way the divine attributes of His spirit children. It is here in our families where our hearts can be softened and in humility we desire to change, to become more childlike. It is a process by which we can become more Christlike."

This was a good talk, too.  We haven't gone over this one with our family yet.  Having re-read it this week I think there is so much I can learn to do better with my own kids.
"A sweet and obedient child will enroll a father or mother only in Parenting 101.  If you are blessed with a child who tests your patience to the nth degree, you will be enrolled in Parenting 505.  Rather than wonder what you might have done wrong in the premortal life to be so deserving you might consider the more challenging child a blessing and opportunity to become more godlike yourself.  With which child will your patience, long-suffering, and other Christlike virtues most likely be tested, developed, and refined?  Could it be possible that you need this child as much as this child needs you?"