Chris is the Teacher's Quorum President and learning a lot about roles and responsibility of the Aaronic Priesthood. This talk from Bro. Gibson was great. Chris had similar questions for Gabriel upon receiving his calling.
I asked this [new Deacon President] if he was ready to preside over this great quorum. His response was: “I’m nervous. I don’t know what a deacons quorum president does. Can you tell me?”
I... posed this question: “Do you suppose the Lord would call you to this important calling without giving you direction?”
He thought, then responded, “Where do I find it?”
After some discussion, he realized that he would find direction from the scriptures, the words of the living prophets, and answers to prayer. We determined to find a scripture that would be a starting place for his search to learn the responsibilities of his new calling.
President Eyring gave another great talk to the Priesthood holders about learning their duties.
I found three wonderful things in place to speed my growth in the priesthood. The first was a president who knew how to sit in council with the members of his quorum. The second was great faith in Jesus Christ that led to the great love we have heard of—love for each other. And the third was a shared conviction that our overarching priesthood purpose was to labor for the salvation of men.
My purpose in speaking of these three aids to growing in the priesthood is to urge you to value them and to use them. If you do, your service will be transformed for the better. And if it is magnified, your priesthood service will bless Heavenly Father’s children more than you can now imagine is possible.
The third talk from the Priesthood Session is from Pres. Uchtdorf. I wondered how I could liken this to my own life, and a woman, wife, mother.
Are we as priesthood holders living below our privileges when it comes to the sacred power, gifts, and blessings that are our opportunity and right as bearers of God’s priesthood?
How do I help my priesthood holders achieve these objectives? How do I uplift them and encourage them?
I too, was wondering about how I could liken these scriptures to me. In the 70's and 80's when the ERA movement was at it's height, President Kimball gave a talk about how the sisters share in the Priesthood. He encouraged us to be familiar with the sections on the priesthood in the Doctrine and Covenants, so that we could sustain, encourage and support and help our husbands as they endeavor to preform their priesthood duties. This has been especially true for me, now. Since your father can not remember much past 10 minutes, I need to ponder and study the Priesthood session talks to know what counsel the Priesthood is being given to help him do all that is talked about. I go with him to do his home teaching, just so that he can fulfill this calling. I help him with his calling at church, so that he can feel good about that. We volunteer for service projects, which at times he is not happy, but gently reminding him of all our blessings, spurs him on. I search for scriptures that would be meaningful to him, so that even for 10 minutes, he can feel the love of our Heavenly Father for Him. I appreciate all the times that you children have allowed him to participate in the circle of the Priesthood, I know that means a great deal to him; a oneness he enjoys feeling with his priesthood brethren.