Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Conference Once Again/ At Parting

I combined the two talks from President Monson to start off the Book Club.  There's so much in both of these talks.  He spoke at the start of Conference of temples.  I love temples! He then spoke of service- the Church's service in Japan and service that members could perform.

In his last talk of Conference, President Monson asked that we read and study the talks from Conference once we received the Ensign.

I especially loved:
"We are a global church. Our membership is found throughout the world. May we be good citizens of the nations in which we live and good neighbors in our communities, reaching out to those of other faiths as well as to those of our own.  May we be examples of honesty and integrity wherever we go and in whatever we do."

What did you like best in these talks?  What did you teach your children about what the prophet said at Conference?


  1. I liked the part in "At Parting" where he said, "We face many challenges in the world today, but I assure you that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us. He loves each of us and will bless us as we seek Him through prayer and strive to keep His commandments."

  2. I love that throughout all the troubles and turmoil our country is in we have a promise that Heavenly Father is watching over us. This is why I don't watch the news! As bad as it is, we are being taken care of as long as we follow the example of the Savior and that is of great comfort to me.
