"it is through the hardships of life that we grow toward godhood as our character is shaped in the crucible of affliction, as the events of life take place ... along the way you will obtain compensatory blessings, even if they are not immediately apparent ... although you often feel alone, in truth you are never totally on your own. As you move forward in patience and faith, Providence will move with you; heaven will bestow its needful blessings"
Families Under Covenant
This talk by Elder Eyring was superb!
for all the priesthood, a great work ahead is to lead in saving the part of Israel for which we are or will be responsible, OUR FAMILIES ... Let me suggest four things you can do as a priesthood father to lift and lead your family home again to be with Heavenly Father and the Savior.
"First gain and keep a sure witness that the keys of the priesthood are with us and held by the President of the Church.
"Second, .. love your wife ... choose .. to put her happiness above your own, I promise you that your love for her will increase.
"Third, enlist the entire family to love each other. President Ezra Taft Benson taught, 'in an eternal sense, salvation is a family affair'
"Fourth, lead your family in the Lord's way when discipline is needed."
I understand all too well what you are going through, you feel like you have been cut in 2, with only half to function for all that must be done. But you are not alone, never, and the half that you need is made up by the Savior ;Psalm 23 and Isaiah 54:10, Psalm 91 and Mosiah 24:14-15