We have been helping the sister missionaries teach a gentleman in our home for the past few weeks. He has truly been searching for God's will in his life and it has been exciting to watch and hear his testimony grow. Tomorrow night he will watch Pres Monson from conference- not sure which one the sisters will choose- and I think this opening talk by Pres Monson would be a good one.
How has your family been blessed by conference?
How have you been able to incorporate what you've heard and learned at conference in your family or personal life?
Sorry I am a week ahead and listened to "Do you know what you have?" Will do my reading today and try to report tonight. It wasn't until I made a commitment in the 1990s to see all the sessions of conference, that my love for conference began to grow, I have always taken notes. It wasn't until 2003 or 2004, when I made a commitment to prepare everything ahead of time and to truly give my all to listening, preparing my heart and soul, that my love and excitement for Conference really began. I truly love Conference, I love telling people about it. I love hearing the Prophet speak, and all the General Authorities. People often ask, who is your favorite speaker, I love them all and I know that Heavenly Father is speaking to me through them. After researching this past week on the words of others in authority in other times give their testimony of Conference, I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for Conference and how He communicates to all of us His love, His guidance for each of our lives, His gentle proddings, His uplifting words of encouragement. I truly now feel His love for me in each talk and how Iove those who speak, for accepting the daunting task of speaking for Heavenly Father and working so hard to get it right and to have the Spirit with them to communicate to us:Spirit to Spirit. I truly now feel Heavenly Father and the Savior at each session of my heart swell with gratitude of feeling their presence with us, we are NOT alone ever. They live, they are ever with us and Conference is a gift of love from them. I am so grateful for that love and I have grown so much in just this past week while searching the words of prophets and apostles on the importance of Conference. Thank-you Kristen for this idea so that we can grow as a family, I hope and pray for us to grow to eternal life.
ReplyDeleteWhen we started helping the missionaries on teaching assignments, we started reading "Preach My Gospel". Elder Russell M Ballard said:" speaking about those joining the missionary force, we don't expect them to be perfect, but they need to be anxious, willing and committed to serve so they can reach new levels of spirituality as gospel teachers. They need to know the message of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach it with power in their own words under the guiding influence of the Holy Spirit.. I thought we should, too
ReplyDeleteElder Ballard speaking on "raising the bar or raising the standard" of missionary work said"But as we raise the level of expectations for the performance of our missionaries, we must also raise the level of expectations for the performance of allof the members of the Church in fulfilling our missionary duties .
ReplyDeleteIn 2003, President Gordon B Hinckly said: " It will be a great day when our people not only pray for the missionaries throughout the world, but ask the Lord to help them to assist the missionaries who are laboring in their own Ward.
ReplyDeleteDC 58:64. For verily the sound must go forth from this place unto all the world and unto the uttermost parts of the earth-the gospel must be preached unto every creature, with signs following them that believe. What we share is the Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness, with the central doctrine being the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteDo you wonder if miracles accompany those that spread the gospel? Just ask Adam, Lehi and Carlos. They know of their personal miracles for themselves and for the people of their ministry. Ask Amanda and Drew of the birth of their twins. Ask Kristen and Gabriel about the birth of Josh. Ask about the safety of our military family. Ask abouth the health of your father who has had dementia for over 12 years, practically unheard of. As we do all that we can to further the gospel, miracles promised by the Savior follow. The Lord always keeps His promises.
ReplyDeletePresident Spencer W Kimball said:" My brethren, I wonder if we are doing all that we can. Are we complacent in our approach to teaching all the world? Are we prepared to lengthen our stride to enlarge our vision? I believe the Lord can do anything, but I see no good reason why the Lord would open doors that we are not prepared to enter."