Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hastening the Lords Game Plan

As a mother of boys who love sports, I loved this talk. In fact our oldest will be using this for FHE in January.
Since we are all on the Lords team, do we each have our own winning game plan? If we, as members, really loved our family, friends, and associates, wouldn't we want to share our testimony of the restored gospel with them?
A few of our kids are having a hard time with this recent move.  They are stuck wanting to live in the last place, think of their friends, wishing for the weather (although I can't blame them for that), and not finding joy and opportunity in the present in the place we are now.  I'm hoping this talk will better motivate them to think of what can be done now and who we can touch here.

What would you do if the prophet of The Lord really called you?  Well, he has!  President  Thomas S. Monson, as he did once again this morning, has called each one of us to a very important work.  He said, "Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to labor in the Lord's vineyard to bring souls unto Him".
Have we been listening? 


  1. Spiritual gifts are blessings or abilities that are given by the power of the Holy Ghost. As children of Heavenly Father, we all have spiritual gifts. God gives us these gifts so that we can serve others and help build His kingdom. He has commanded us to diligently seek out and develop our spiritual gifts. (Aaronic Priesthood Manual

  2. We are told in the scriptures that we will be judged according to our works. (Matthew 16:27). By developing and using our talents for other people, we perform good works. The Lord is pleased when we use our talents wisely. He will bless us if use our talents to benefit other people and to build up His kingdom here on earth. Some of the blessings we gain are joy and love from serving our brothers and sisters here on earth.

  3. According to Elder Bruce R McConkie, in 1977, by request of President Spencer W Kimball, stated :" The gathering of Israel and the building of Zion in the last days occurs in stages. The early part of the work which involved gathering to the United States and building stakes of Zion in North America, has already been accomplished. We are now engaged in gathering Israel within the various nations of the earth and in establishing stakes of Zion at the ends of the earth. This is the work that is now going forward in all of the nations of South America and of which I shall now speak. By the mouth of an ancient prophet, and from the lips of one who lived 3000 years ago, the Lord sent a message to us. The holy man of old who spoke as he was moved upon by the Holy Ghost said these words: 'this shall be written for the generation to come, it is sent to the people which shall be created, to a people who shall praise the Lord. ( Psalm 102:18)'. " We are that people, a people who once again receive reevaluation, a people to whom God has given anew the dullness of the everlasting gospel in consequence of which we praise His holy name forever. The message that comes to us is that the Lord will have mercy upon Zion ' for the time to favor, yea the set time has come.' "The message is that when the the Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His glory." (Psalms 102: 13, 16) (talk given in Lima,Peru)

  4. Elder Bruce R McConkie continued: " As is well known, ancient Israel was scattered among all the nations of the earth, because they forsook the Lord and worshiped false gods. As is also well known, the gathering of Israel consists or receiving the truth, gaining again a true knowledge of the Redeemer, and coming back in the true fold of the Good Shepherd. In the language of the Book of Mormon, 'it consists of being restored to the true church and fold of God and their being gathered and established in various lands of promises.'( 2N9:2 'When they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer, they shall be gathered together again to the lands of their inheritance.' ( 2N 6:11). Two things are accomplished by the gathering of Israel: First, those who have thus chosen Christ as their Shepherd; those who have taken upon themselves His name in the waters of baptism; those who are seeking to enjoy His Spirit here and now and to be inheritors of eternal life hereafter - such people need to be gathered together to strengthen each other and to help one another perfect their lives. And second, those who are seeking the highest rewards in eternity, need to be where they can recieve the blessings of the house of the Lord, both for themselves and for their ancestors in Israel who died without a knowledge of the gospel, but who would have received it with all their heart had opportunity afforded." 1977, Lima, Peru

  5. The Lord needs to know in whom He can rely. What a great act of trust it is on the part of our Father in Heaven to share with us a part of His power, that we might assist Him in His grand work as it rolls forth to fill the earth. Elder Dallin H. Oaks stated: " The signs of the Second Coming are all around us and seem to be increasing in frequency and intensity...While we are powerless to alter the fact of the Second Coming and unable to know it's exact time, we can accelerate our own preparation for the events prophesied at the time of the Second Coming." (May 2004)

  6. " Now is the time to stand fast in our faith and on our principles as did Captain Moroni. We are needed now. Now is the time to show our appreciation for the atoning sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now is the time to show our faith through our obedience to such basic commandments as laws of chasity and tithing, the Word of Wisdom and keeping the Sabbath day holy. Now is the time to warn our neighbors by sharing the gospel message with them. Now is the time to review our covenants we have made with the Lord at the waters of baptism, covenants we have made in the Holy Temples. Now is indeed the time to show we are on the Lord's side.". Elder Robert C Oaks, April 2005

  7. President Thomas S Monson said: " Let us reach out to rescue those who need our help and lift them to the higher road and the better way. Let us focus our thinking on the needs of priesthood holders and their wives and children who have slipped from the path of activity. May we listen to the unspoken message from their hearts. You will find it to be familiar;'Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way , teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.', " To all who willingly respond to the sacred call of service comes the promise ' I the Lord am merciful and gracious unto those that fear me and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end. Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory.' (DC 76:5-6) (April 2006)

  8. President Gordon B Hinckley in 2004 said: "Perilous times? Yes, these are perilous times. But the human race has lived in peril from the time before the earth was created. Somehow through all of the darkness , there has been a faint , but beautiful light. And now,with added luster, it shines upon the world. It carries with it God's plan of happiness for His children. It carries with it the great and unfathomable wonders of the Atonement of the Redeemer. How grateful we are to the God of heaven for his beneficent care of His children in providing for them, through all the perils of eternity, the opportunity of salvation and the blessings of exhalation in His kingdom, if only we live in righteousness. ' President woodruff said in 1894: The Almighty is with this people. We shall have all the revelations that we will need, if we will do our duty and obey the commandments of God...While I live, I want to do my duty. While I live, I want the Latter Day Saints to do their duty. The eyes of God and all the holy prophets are watching us. This is the great dispensation that has been spoken of ever since the world began. We are gathered together...by the power and commandment of God. We are doing the work of God...let us fulfill our mission.(Messages of the zfirst Presidency of the Church of Latter Dat Saints. Vol6, chapter 3: 258). April 2004
