Saturday, January 4, 2014

Small and Simple Things/ What We Have

We're thoroughly enjoying the small and simple things this holiday season.  So much so I forgot about posting this week. :)  But I did read the talks!

These talks were wonderful.  I love that the gospel is so simple and easy to understand and live.  Elder Valenzuela's talk was a great reminder of the small and simple things we can do to reach out to those around us.
"As members of the Church, we are able, through our own small and simple things, to '[convince] many of the error of their ways' and help bring 'them to the knowledge of their God unto the salvation of their souls'."
 "I testify that many of those who need our help are there waiting for us. They are ready for their valiant brothers and sisters to reach out to them and rescue them through small and simple means. I have personally spent many hours visiting less-active members of the Church whose hearts have already been softened by the Lord, who are now ready to receive our testimonies and our sincere expressions of love. When we reach out and invite them, they will return to the Church without hesitation."

 Sister Stevens talk was very much inline with Elder Valenzuela's.
"When you love, watch over, and serve others in small and simple ways, you are actively participating in the work of salvation."

 I loved the experience of her grandson Porter and his attention to his great-grandmother and the love he has for her.

I think this will be my New Years resolution.  I don't ever make them because inevitably I break them, but this could be one to try hard to keep.


  1. Elder Russell M Ballard in April 1990 Conference, he stated: The Lord has graciously provided the means for conversion, even in the most and simple and humble of circumstances. Unfortunately, some of us look beyond the mark and depend too much on buildings ,budgets,programs,, and activities for conversion, rather than on the small and simple things that are central to the gospel. We need not look beyond our own hearts to experience the sweet spiritual feelings promised to those who obey God. That is why a new member in the most humble conditions can experience the gospel as deeply as a lifetime member who was raised in the shadows of the church.

  2. President Joseph Fielding Wmith said in a tender testimony many years ago: ". In my judgement the sacrament meeting, is the most sacred, is the most holy of all the meetings of the church. When I reflect upon the gathering of the Savior and His apostles on that memorable night when He introduced the heart is filled with wonderment and my feelings are touched. I consider that gathering one of the most solemn and wonderful since the beginning of time.". Conference Report. Oct. 1929

  3. By Small and Simple Things Are Great Things Brought to Pass (Alma 37:6-7), a talk given by Elder David A Bednar taught the women of the Church on April 19, 2011. He first quoted DC 52:14 and asked the congregation to consider a specific phrase 'a pattern in all things.'. " Patterns help to avoid waste and unwanted deviations and facilitate uniformity that is appropriate and beneficial. Vital spiritual patterns are evident in th life of the Savior, the scriptures and the teachings of the living prophets and apostles. These spiritual patterns are now and always have been important aids to descernment and sources of direction and protection for faithful Latter Day Saints. Among the powerful patterns the Lord uses to advance His work is the pattern taught in Alma 37:6. The Lord typically ministers one by one.( 3N 11:15). He enables us to learn line upon line and precept by precept, here a little, there a little. (2N28:30). And He accomplishes His work by bringing to pass great things through small and simple means. Brothers and sisters we should find great comfort in the fact that ordinary people who faithfully, diligently and consistently do simple and small things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results."

  4. Elder Bednar told the following story to emphasize this pattern. Gusustavo Adolphus Perry- the first ancestor of Elder L Tom Perry to join the church in 1832. In1997, the Perry family decided to celebrate the 200th birthday of Gustavus. In preparation, the family conducted an extensive research of identifying the dececdents of Gustavus and Eunice Perry. They found more than 10,000 of them. In 7-8 generations his family had sufficient numbers to organize 3 Stakes. In this illustration, we witness the power of a profound spiritual pattern- small and simple things bringing great things to pass. As faithful husband and wife did their best to rear children in righteousness, testimony and deepening conversion to Christ, persisted across generations to grandchildren and thousands more.many seemingly ordinaryfamilyprayers, common experiences working together, gospel conversions, tragedies and triumphs and Sabbath days in scores of families across generations produces legacy of faithfulness.

  5. Elder Bednar compared spiritual patterns to drip or trickle irrigation, in which water is applied in a more focus and frequent way than with other methods, providing "a high mixture level in the soil, wherein plants can flourish.". In like manner, if you and I are focused and frequent in receiving consistent drips of spiritual nourishment then gospel roots can sink deep into our soul, can become firmly established and grounded and can provide extraordinary delicious fruit. The spiritual pattern of small and simple things bringing forth great things firmness and steadfastness, deepening devotion to the Lord, Jesus Christ and His gospel. As you and I become increasingly steadfast and immovable, we are less prone to zealous and exaggerated spurts of spirituality followed extended periods of slackness. We need to remembervDC 64:33 and DC 123:16-17

  6. Elder Christoffel Golden in Oct. 2007 Conference said: "everyone who will live the gospel of Jesus Christ daily and endure to the end will gain eternal life- this is a promise of the Lord. In its essentials the gospel is simple and easy to understand and adapted to the capacity of the weakest. Our beloved prophet, Gordon B Hinckley also counseled,' You can't do it alone....You need the help of the Lord...and the marvelous thing is , that you have the opportunity to pray with the expectation that your prayers will be heard and answered...He stands ready to help.'"

  7. "President Hunter in 1967 said: 'What we need is more home teachers. That is the great need in the church today.' President Hunter's reference to home teachers that day is in harmony with his focus on the simple messages of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The great work of the Lord is primarily accomplished through small, kind acts that exemplify the basic teachings of His gospel. Obedience is doing simple things , has always been the means of obtaining the blessings of the Lord.". Elder Rex Pinegar, Oct. 1994

  8. Br. J Michael Hunter, chair of the Dept of Religion, on May 22, 2012 gave a talk in which he told the story of Mother Theresa: "Wanting to make a difference in the world, founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. The mission of her small organization was to help the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta, India by educating and meeting the needs of the destitute and starving. She wanted to bring comfort to the sick and dying who often felt unloved, uncared for and unwanted. Some 20 years later, the BBC sent a journalist to interview Mother Theresa about her work. The journalist reported that Calcutta was a scene of suffering and despair, the streets crowded with naked Hungary, homeless people whose needs stretched far beyond what the MissionRies of Charity could provide. Responding to the criticism of of her work as 'insignificant in scale', Mother Theresa noted that welfare is for a purpose-an admirable and necessary one. Christian love is for the one, the person, it is about Christ. She explained that what the poor need as much as food and clothing , is to be wanted and loved. Her simple purpose was to provide that love. She served the one within her reach, doing the best she could, with what she had. Through her humble service, Mother Theresa made a difference in the world. Jesus Christ taught us to love and serve the one within our reach. There is nothing negligible about the simple acts of kindness and assistance that you and I offerto those around us on a daily basis. One of President David O McKay was " Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness and small obligations given habitually are what win and preserve the heart and secure the comfort." ( Sir Humphry Davy 1836)".

  9. Sorry about yesterday, spent the day (besides taking care of Sam and Louie, cooking and cleaning) getting ready for the baptism of Della. She is amazing and was truly ready for the gospel. We want to her lessons and friendshiped her. I was so excited, I told the missionaries I would make the cookies for refreshments. Della had asked me to give the baptismal talk, I used the Children's song "Baptism". There wasn't a sound in the room. It is one of my favorite songs. I love the feeling of the Savior that it brings. I couldnt have accomplished all I had to do without the Lord's help. They may have been small things, but I wanted to have the Spirit. The Spirit was so strong, and Della even bore her testimony. She is going to be a strong member from the beginning, can't wait to teach her about the temple and family history. I talk to the missionaries and they want to get the other new converts on it too. I am feeling so much better about myself since studying this talk and realizing I am doing the Lord's work within my own sphere and that I do not need to anything great, but serve my family, Louie and help the missionaries in small simple ways( giving them rides, feeding them, opening our home to them, and going on lessons with them).

  10. "The first seeds of conversion begins with an awareness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a desire to know the truth concerning His restored church. Let this desire work in you, a desire to know the truth is like a seed which grows in the fertile ground of faith, patience, diligence and long suffering. For the most part conversion happens over a period of time as study, prayer , experienceand faith will help us grow in testimony and conversion.". Elder Hale April 1997

  11. Elder D Todd Christofferson stated in April Conference of 2004: "Plead with God in the name of Christ, to write the gospel in your mind, that ye may have understanding, and in your heart that ye may love to do His will. How can we make the gospel of Jesus Christ the only influence indeed the very core of what you are? The prophet Jeremiah spoke of the law of God, the gospel being written in our hearts. He said the Lord spoke: ' I will put my law in thier inward parts and write it in thier hearts, and will be thier God and they shall be my people.'. This can happen, but it must be something you want."

  12. "Further, for the gospel to be written in your heart, you need to know what it is and grow to understand it more fully. That means you will study it. You will know that the gospel is being written on your heart, that your conversion is happening as the word of the Lord from His prophets past and present feels more delicious to your soul." D Todd Christofferson. April 2004

  13. This would have been our first Conference as members of the Church. Elder L Tom Perry said "Conversion is not an end, but a beginning of a new way of life. It carries a condition, a responsibility to do something with that conversion, to feed the sheep of the Savior. The real value of our commitment through our conversion is when it is interpreted into action when something results from which has occurred from knowing the Lord. All the abundance, fullness and plenty of this earth was given to us by God to be enjoyed in righteousness We in turn are expected to love Him , to be converted to Him and His ways and to feed His sheep, to multiply and replenish and strength our brethren.". October 1974

  14. Elder David A Bednar spoke in the Oct. 2012 Conference. "My message focuses upon the relationship that Jesus is the Christ and becoming converted to Him and His gospel. Typically we treat the topics of testimony and conversion separately and independently. However we gain precious perspective and greater spiritual conviction as we consider these two important subjects together. Knowing that the gospel is true istheessence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion. Conversion is an enlarging, a deepening and broadening of the undergirding base of testimony. It is the result of revelation from God, accompanied by individual repentance, obedience and diligence; experiencing a mighty change of heart."
