Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Our family has been trying a new way to read the scriptures together.  In a fireside address given by Elder Choi, he shared how their family would read the articles in the Ensign together and then have a family discussion.  My husband and I loved this idea.  But we decided to make it our own and change it a bit. For almost a year now, we've been reading the General Conference talks on Sunday evening, and then spending the rest of the week looking up scriptures that go with the topic of that talk.

Recently I read online about a General Conference Book Club. I love this idea.  Would I be able to start one where we live now?  Probably not- there are already Institute of Religion classes going on and it may be too much to do in person.  So I thought about finding a club online.  There are a few, but some of them are out dated and another is already half way through all the talks.

So, that left me to putting one together on my own.  Normally I would make the schedule a little bit easier by only reading one talk per week, but I want to get through it before the new Ensign comes out in November. 

I hope you'll join me in reading and sharing any thoughts experiences you've had regarding each topic.  Feel free to invites others to join us as well.  There is so much we can share with and learn about from each other!

We'll start the first week in August.

Aug 1,2011It's Conference Once Again and At Parting both by Pres Monson
Aug 8,2011 The Sabbath and the Sacrament
Aug 15,2011 Become As a Little Child and What Manner of Men and Women Ought Ye to Be
Aug 22,2011 Followers of Christ and The Essence of Discipleship
Aug 29,2011 The Atonement Covers All Pain and The Miracle of the Atonement


  1. I think it is a great idea! I've been looking for something to enhance our scripture study. I wanted to go to Institute, but it is for single adults. So I am excited!!

  2. I thought it was interesting how the prophet blessed us with the Spirit to hear the Conference. DC 50:17-21 is one of my favorite scriptures. I use it for Sundays and Conference. There is a very nice song "When Spirit speaks to Spirit" from the album "Let Us Go Forth" In his closing remarks, he mentions how pleased with all the talks and how the Spirit spoke to him, our prophet. They were all talks that we needed to hear at this time. He spoke a lot about the service hours given. I wondered what any one thought of finding a service project that we as a family could do instead of Christmas gifts? And for some reason I had missed the contributing to the missionary fund, not any more, I can give a couple of dollars, not much, but it will all add up.

  3. As I read the closing remarks, I could feel the prophet's seal upon the talks and Section 1 of the Doctrine and Covenants came to mind, verse 1-2, 4,38 and Section 21:4-7 and Papa's favorite Joshua 24:15

  4. I'm sorry, I just got so excited to have scripture study! I started early so that I could do some with Dad along with our New Testament readings. The good thing is that he doesn't remember reading the report over and over as I try to see the bigger picture. Like when President Monson remarked that when the Conference Center was conceived, the First Presidency thought " we'd never fill it. Just look at it now" The dream Daniel interpreted is still being fulfilled Dan 2:34-35,44. He spoke of building more temples, the # is up to 160. When we first joined the church, there was less than 20 temples in the world. We are so blessed to live in these days where we have the gospel blessings practically at our finger tips. We can have our written scriptures to read and hold. We are not left to wander without direction. We can seek guidance through them any time we wish. We can find the love of our Father through them at any time. We can come to know and begin to understand the full import of what Christ our Savior did for us. The last few lessons in Doctrine Gospel class focused on the great Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ, and we are grateful every day for all that He did for us. I look forward every Conference to see our Prophet. I love raising my hand to sustain him. I found an interesting quote by Heber C. Kimball, in a revelation he received in April of 1839. "Verily, I say unto you my servant Heber; thou art my son, in whom I am well pleased; for thou art careful to hearken to my words, and not transgress my law, nor rebel against my servant Joseph Smith, for thou has a respect to the words of mine anointed, even from the least to the greatest of them. Therefore thy name is written in heaven, no more to be blotted out forever, because of these things. Elder Neal Maxwell wrote in his talk "Choice Seer", "Note the importance the Lord attached to our being loyal to his servants. It is no different now." I enjoyed the many article I read when I looked up Church growth. It is like the Pharisee Gamaliel stated in Acts 5:35-39 This is the Church of Jesus Christ, and no one or no thing can destroy it. Many have tried to no avail. We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints; I love that Primary song! And we are So blessed for it. I always look forward to the blessings we are given at the end of Conference. I look for the peace and love that comes with them and the Spirit always testifies the truth of them. I lean on those blessings, for I know of their truthfulness .

  5. THE manual, Church History in the Fulness of Times has really good articles on the growth of the church and chapters under each prophet. Spencer W. Kimball was just sustained prophet the month before I was baptized. In 1913 while on his mission, he helped finish the first chapel in Independence, MO. In 1978 he dedicated the first Stake Center in Independence, MO. DC 88:73, DC33:6. There was a good article entitled, Welfare Services in Perspective: a Conversation with R. Quinn Gardener, Managing Director of Welfare Services. DC 104:16,18, DC 42:30, DC 525:40. In all of the readings I have done I read a quote "Lift Where You Stand"
