Monday, August 22, 2011

Followers of Christ and The Essence of Discipleship

These talks were inspirational, and ones that we were especially able to share with our kids.  My husband always likes to tell the kids, "Intelligence is the application of knowledge".  We can teach and teach to our kids until we're blue in the face but they have a responsibility to take that knowledge and apply it, and until they do they aren't true followers of Christ.  These talks were all about applying the teachings of Christ and being "doers" of the work.

I loved what Elder Gonzales says,
"The Savior has promised, “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Followers of Christ pattern their lives after the Savior to walk in the light. Two characteristics can help us recognize to what extent we follow Him. First, followers of Christ are loving people. Second, followers of Christ make and keep covenants."

I love Sis Allred!  I loved the stories she shared of Saints around the world helping themselves and those around them.
".. a humble sister or brother with a Church calling can go into a home where there is poverty, sorrow, sickness, or distress and can bring peace, relief, and happiness is astonishing. No matter where the ward or branch is or how big or small the group is, every member throughout the world has that opportunity. It happens every day, and it is happening somewhere at this very moment."


  1. I think these two characteristics are so important in being followers of Christ. By being able to embody these characteristics, it helps us align our lives with every commandment and covenant we need to keep to receive the blessings the Lord has promised. Being loving is not only important in our families but it allows others to see what the gospel is about. We had a lesson on obedience a couple of weeks ago and we talked about why we are obedient. Ultimately it came down to the love we have for our Father in Heaven. We are obedient because we love Him. So while it is not always easy to love others, I can certainly keep in mind the love the Savior had for everyone and try and pattern my life after His example. By doing so, I am setting an example for my kids. I struggle a lot in wondering how to teach them what the gospel is about and about making right choices. Showing them love is such an essential step in teaching them the gospel and it's the easiest thing I can do!

  2. President Uchtdorf in 2009, April Conference stated:" Discipleship is a journey. We need the refining lessons on the journey to craft our character and purify our hearts. By patiently walking in the path of discipleship, we demonstrate to ourselves the measure of our faith and our willingness to accept God's will rather than our own."

  3. President Hinckley in Nov. of 1991 bore his testimony to the General Authorities:" It is easy to be a Mormon and accept the theology. It is difficult to be a Christian and follow Christ in word and deed." A few weeks later Elder Pinegar was reading the book, The 100; A Ranking of History's Most Influential Persons. To his surprise, Jesus Christ was ranked 3rd. The author acknowledged that the teachings of Jesus Christ are "surely among the most remarkable and original ethical ideas ever presented. If they were widely followed, I would have had no hesitation in placing Jesus Christ first in this book." Elder Pinegar then asks, "Where do we rank Jesus Christ? Does He come first, as He should? Where do we rank ourselves as followers of Jesus' teachings? Do we live as Christians in word and deed?"
