Monday, May 7, 2012

Teachings of Jesus/ Importance of a Name

Our youngest used this talk in FHE a couple weeks ago and did a fabulous job! It was simple for him and easy to understand and share with the rest of this.

I address believers but others as well. As Elder Tad R. Callister taught us this morning, some who call themselves Christians praise Jesus as a great teacher but refrain from affirming His divinity. To address them, I have used the words of Jesus Himself. We should all consider what He Himself taught about who He is and what He was sent to earth to do.

Elder Ballard gave a beautiful talk on the importance of the name of the church and started off with a beautiful comparison of naming a child.

Because the full name of the Church is so important, I echo the revelations from the scriptures, the First Presidency’s instructions in letters of 1982 and 2001, and the words of other Apostles who have encouraged the members of the Church to uphold and teach the world that the Church is known by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the name by which the Lord will call us at the last day. It is the name by which His Church will be distinguished from all others.

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