Monday, August 20, 2012

Rescue for Real Growth and Lost May Be Found

This was an inspiring talk by a member of the (recently released) Presiding Bishopric, Bishop Edgley. I could probably do more to help reactivate members in our ward.
One of the most meaningful and important ways to establish real growth in the Church is to reach out and rescue those who have been baptized yet are wandering in a less-active state, void of the blessings and saving ordinances."
I loved the story about the WW II rescue of US soldiers and locals who were held captive in a prison camp.

After the volunteers were assembled, the commanding officer instructed them somethinge like this: 'This evening you men meet with your religious leaders, you kneel down, and you swear to God that as long as you have a single breath of life, you will not let one of these men suffer one more moment.'"

I seem to be saying over and over again how each talk was so good, all of them were. I liked Elder Ballard's talk, too. :)
Today we live in a time when so much of this world has lost its way, particularly with regard to values and priorities within our homes...It is our homes and families that need reforming in this increasingly materialistic and secular world... When people make family and religious commitments to gospel principles, they begin to do better spiritually and often temportally as well...when families work and play together, neighborhoods and communities flourish, economies improve, and less government and fewer costly safety nets are required."

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