Monday, November 14, 2011

Waiting on the Road to Damascus and Called to Be Saints

This conference I have come to look forward to Pres Uchtdorf's talks. They have always inspired and uplifted me. This one was no exception.

There are some who feel that unless they have an experience similar to Saul’s or Joseph Smith’s, they cannot believe. They stand at the waters of baptism but do not enter. They wait at the threshold of testimony but cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the truth. Instead of taking small steps of faith on the path of discipleship, they want some dramatic event to compel them to believe.

They spend their days waiting on the road to Damascus.

Do I do this? Do I wait for a blessing before I show the faith to carry on?

Elder De Hoyos gave a really great talk. I don't remember much about my father's parents, but I remember distinctly their accents and every time I hear a leader speak from South America I think of them. :)

To the degree that members of the Church live the gospel and follow the counsel of the prophets, they will, little by little and even without noticing it, become sanctified. Humble members of the Church who conduct daily family prayer and scripture study, engage in family history, and consecrate their time to worship in the temple frequently, become Saints. They are those who are dedicated to creating eternal families. They are also those who set apart time from their busy lives to rescue those who have become alienated from the Church and encourage them to return and sit at the Lord’s table. They are those elders and sisters and mature couples who respond to a call to serve as the Lord’s missionaries. Yes, my brothers and sisters, they become Saints to the degree that they discover that warm and wonderful feeling that is called charity, or the pure love of Christ

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