Monday, December 9, 2013

Key to Spiritual Protection

There is so much to learn from in this talk by Pres Packer. Pres Packer often teaches parents how to create a home of learning and sanctuary from the world.
Parents wonder if there is a safe place to raise children. There is a safe place. It is in a gospel-centered home. We focus on the family in the Church, and we counsel parents everywhere to raise their children in righteousness...
In Paul's revelation, in addition to the list of challenges and problems, he also tells us what we can do to protect ourselves...
The scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection. They contain the doctrine and laws and ordinances that will bring each child of God to a testimony of Jesus Christ...
Children taught an understanding of the scriptures early in life will come to know the parth they should walk and will be more inclined to remain on that path. Those who stray will have the ability to return and, with help, can find their way back."


  1. In the Priesthood Manuel Lesson 15' "Dutixes and Blessings of the Priesthood": One way we an teach our children is through family prayer. When we pray, we can communicate our hope, concerns and ideals for our family. We can teach concern for the needs of others as we pray for family members and others. And we can teach appreciation for blessings as we express gratitude to our Heavenly Father.

  2. President Henry Eyring stated :" Children learn about this life in the home, at school and from their friends. But neither the public school, nor their friends can teach our children about the gospel. This sacred responsibility is given to us by Heavenly Father. If we fail to teach our children what He would have us teach them in this life, we are in danger of losing them in eternity".

  3. We learn from Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life about parenting. 1N 8:12. When Lehi partook of the fruit and was filled with joy, He first thought of his family and wanted to share it with them. When studying the scripture, and the Holy Ghost bears witness to us and fills our souls with joy, we should share these experiences with our children.

  4. Elder L. Tom Perry stated:" The home is.the most important and the most effective place to teach, learn and apply gospel principles. Parents have the primary responsibilit, parents should counsel one with another and seek to be unified in a teaching partnership. Fathers and mothers each have an important role in teaching their children. Fathers can seek to give spiritual leadership in the home by directing family prayers, daily scripture study and family home evenings. Mothers can teach by spending effective time with their children. She can take time to be a real friend , and to read and pray with their children".

  5. M. Russell Ballard in General Conference in April of 2010 stated: " In these last days, it is essential - even critical- that parents and children listen to and learn from one another."

  6. Elder L. Tom Perry also stated:" Unplanned teaching moments in family life are also important. Many of your teaching moments come in conversations as you work with your children and as family members face challenges together. These moments can be powerful teaching moments because they are so closely tied to what your children are experiencing. Because such opportunities may come and go quickly, you need to recognize them and be prepared to teach principles that your children are ready to learn."

  7. In the Oct. Conference of 1987, President Spencer W Kimball stated: " Fathers, another vital aspect of providing for the material needs of your family, is the provision you should be making for your family in case of an emergency. Family preparedness has been a long established welfare principle. It is even more urgent today. I ask you earnestly, have you provided for your family, a year's supply of food clothing and where possible fuel. The revelation to produce and store food may be essential to our temporal welfare today, as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah."

  8. According to Elder Richard Maynes in Oct. 2008 stated: "1600 years ago Moroni accurately prophesied the condition to be found in the latter days- our days- in which the Book of Mormon would come forth. In light of modern day wickedness and social conditions so accurately predicted by Moroni, how can we rear faithful children and establish Zion in our home? We start by realizing that it will require great effort and diligence to follow the admonitions Of the Lord and His prophets. We have been taught the importance of daily personal and family prayer. We have been taught the importance of daily personal and family scripture study. We have been taught the importance of weekly Family Home Evening. Church leaders continually bring these basic gospel principles to our attention . Why? Because the Lord understands that the basic gospel principles that we strive to live each day will ultimately save our children and help establish Zion in our homes."
