Wednesday, December 4, 2013

No More Strangers/ Come Join with Us

These were great talks!!! A recent concert who watched to conference with us commented that she'd never heard a church say they weren't perfect and that we had problems but that shouldn't impede the reason for worshipping God. 
It was Pres Uchtdorf's talk that she especially liked. 

"The Church is designed to nourish the imperfect, the struggling, and the exhausted.  It is filled with people who desire with all their heart to keep the commandments, even if they haven't mastered them yet."

Bishop Caussé's talk was very similar. 
"In this Church there are no strangers and no outcasts. There are only brothers and sisters... In this Churh our wards and our quorums do not belong to us. They belong to Jesus Christ. Whoever enters our meetinghouses should feel at home. The responsibility to welcome everyone has growing importance.... It is your duty to reach out anyone who appears at the doors of your church building. Welcome them with gratitude and without prejudice... 
"Please make the first move to help them feel welcome and loved, rather than waiting for them to come to you."

I read this and immediately resolved to do a better job of looking out for those who are new at Church.  I'm not always the most outgoing so I need to work on this. 


  1. President Henry Eyring said in Oct. 2008 Conference: "The Saints can accomplish any purpose of the Lord when fully united in righteousness . We see increased conflict between people's in the world around us. That is why my message of hope today is that a great day of unity is coming. The Lord Jehovahwill return to live with those who have become His people and will find them united of one heart, unified with Him and with our Heavenly Father. You have heard the message of unity from me more than once. I have heard it from every prophet of God in my lifetime. The need for this gift (unity) to be granted to us and the challenge to maintain it will grow greater in the days ahead, in which we will be prepared as a people for our glorious destiny. We yearn as spirit children of our Heavenly Father for that joy which we once had with Him in the life before this one. His desire is to grant us that sacred wish for unity out of His Love for us."

  2. President Eyring continued: " he cannot grant unity to us as individuals. The joy of unity he wants so much to give us is not solitary. We must seek it and qualify forit with others. It is not surprising then that God urges us to gather so that He can bless us. The Lord has given us guides to know what to do to receive the blessings and joy of ever increasing unity. The Book of Mormon recounts a time of success. It was in the days of Alma at the Waters of Mormon. What the people did in those difficult and dangerous circumstances gives us both a guide and encouragement. Everything Alma and his people were inspired to do was to point a helping people choose to have their hearts changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That is the only way God can grant the blessing of being of one heart". 2008

  3. When I was investigating the church, your father's brother, Michael invited me down to his ward in Lakewood. People came up to me and called me Sister Sanchez. I felt so accepted, at home and part of a family. They made it easy to accept the invitation to be baptized.

  4. President Eyring speaking to the Priesthood session in Oct. 2006' quorum unity lasts when it is forged in the Lord's service and in the Lord's way. One of the hallmark of a strong quorum is the feeling of fellowship among its members as they care for each other, they help each other. Quorum presidents can build that fellowship best if they remember the Lord's purpose for unity in the quorum. It is of course so that they will help each other. But it is more, much more. It is so that they will lift and encourage each other to serve in righteousness with the Master in His work to offer eternal life to Heavenly Father's children. My prayer is that you will accept the Lord's invitation to become united as one, in our quorums of the priesthood ( in our societies, classrooms, partners, families).He has marked the way. And He has promised us that with His help good quorums can be great quorums(societies, classrooms, partners, families). He wants that for us. And I know that he needs stronger bless the children of Heavenly Father, according to the covenants. I have faith that He will. 2006

  5. A few years ago, in the White Plains Ward, it came to the attention of the priesthood leadership of a family that had moved into the ward boundaries from a warm climate to the winter of MD. The father hosting his family had been injured and could not work. Each quorum, Relief Society, Young Men and Women and Primary leapt into action. Our ward Christmas party was the drop off for this family. A christmas tree had been set up on Dec 1st with ornaments with needs and sizes that could be picked off and items bought . Talks were on service and ways to show love, messages from home teachers and visiting teachers were the same. Everyone was excited and wanted to help. On the night of the Ward party, the stage was completely filled with groceries, home supplies, toys, blankets, coats, boots, even bikes for the kids, a complete Christmas tree and so much more. It was amazing and the joy in the room, words could not even touch. We were unified wanting to give this family our love and all we could give. I felt that night a glimpse of how the City of Encoh worked. The bishop was speechless and grateful for the open hearts of his ward. There was such a peace.

  6. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a worldwide church made up of saints that differ in many ways, education, employment, economic status, government,cultural heritage, historical and political orientation, foods we eat, clothes we wear and entertainment we enjoy. Yet, for all this variation" all are alike unto God ( 2 N26:33) the Father of our spirits. 1998
